Archive for Roger


Win32.Worm.Hakaglan.B Win32.Worm.Hakaglan.B makes a copy of itself inside the system32 folder in the Windows OS. It disables the Task Manager, registry tools and folder options by altering the registry values of the Windows OS.This Trojan spreads around via Yahoo Messenger, removable media and shared networks. The Trojan usually increases its footprint by making itself look […]


Trojan.KillAV.RS Trojan.KillAV.RS is a Trojan which hampers the security of the system by stopping verification of files. It deletes the cryptographic service (cryptsvc) built within the Windows OS; technically, this halts the verification of digital signatures. Also affected are Windows Updates and firewall settings due to removal of cryptsvc. It also takes several screenshots of […]


RTL.805 RTL.805 is a Trojan which usually spreads via third party applications. Applications such as free gaming app or free software are its major carriers. This virus also alters the registry values to be rebooted every time the system is rebooted. It takes large amount of memory often resulting in programs not being executed. One […]


Trojan.Fake.Av.Kyn Trojan.Fake.AV.Kyn is a Trojan that pretends to be a security program. It claims to clean the system of any unwanted malware and files. The Trojan will create an .exe file in documents and settings from where the registry settings are altered. All this is done to ensure the Trojan is booted at every fresh […]


Worm.P2P.Palevo.DP Worm.P2P.Palevo is a worm that usually spreads by making itself look like a .JPG (image) file. Upon opening the file, the worm is executed and it creates 4 hidden files inside the windows folder. The worm also modifies registry keys to bypass various firewall settings. The worm connects to a server and then, it […]


Trojan.Dropper.Oficla.O Trojan.Dropper.Oficla.O is another Trojan spreading through email attachments. Usually a fake MS word document is its point source to infect a system. It affects the registry files in the system which ensures it is executed at every start up of the system. The following code is run to ensure its execution – [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon] […]


Trojan.Renos.PGZ Trojan.Renos.PGZ is a combination of a Trojan and fake antivirus downloader. This Trojan connects to specific websites to execute nasty files. It also modifies registry entries which in turn changes the Internet Explorer settings to lower security settings. The Trojan spreads its footprint in a system by creating unusual processes in .exe files. To […]


Win32.Viking.Gen Win32.Viking.Gen is a combination of a worm and a virus spreading through removable media and network sharing platforms. One of the common symptoms of getting infected by Viking.Gen is the reduced performance of the infected system. It is a usually seen to have a severe effect on HTML and other executable files. The virus […]


Win32.Worm.Prolaco.S Win32.Worm.Prolaco.S is worm that is known to be generally associated with e-greeting cards. These cards are usually sent via email and the worm is hidden inside the zipped attachments. The worm also spreads via removable media devices, emails and peer to peer file sharing networks. The worm makes multiple copies of itself included a […]


Trojan.Spy.Ursnif.F Trojan.Spy.Ursnif is a Trojan malware designed to steal information and compromise the infected system. The Trojan is known to take snapshot of processes and latches on to the browser. All major browsers from Chrome and Firefox to Opera and Safari are affected by this Trojan. It connects to a remote server giving different host […]

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