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Roger November 23, 2016 0 Comments

1.If you want to stop automatic email forwarding in Microsoft Office 365, then go to and login with your credentials.

office 365 1 login to stop forwording

2.Go to ‘Settings’ from the top right navigation bar and then click on ‘Mail’ .

office 365 2 settings to stop forwording

3. From the menu, expand “Accounts” and select ‘Forwarding’.

office 365 3 settings mail to stop forwording

4. In the Forwarding dialog box, Start forwarding  (specify the email address and select the option to keep a copy of forwarded email on the original server) or Stop forwarding as shown in the image below:

office 365 4 stop forwording

5. Click on ‘Save’ to make changes permanent and close the dialog box.

office 365 5 save setting for stop forwording