Click on “App Launcher” in the upper left corner and select “Admin”.
Office 365 Admin Center window will open. Select “Exchange” under “ADMIN”. Refer image, below.
In “Exchange admin center”, click on “protection” and select “spam filter”.
Now, click on “Default” spam filter policy.
If you want to edit summary for this, double click on name. Following screen will appear.
In general, name is “Default” and description box is empty. Specify the descriptive text here and click on “Save”.
Configure the options under “spam and bulk actions” as per your requirement.
Under “block lists”, you can add individual email-id(s) to be blocked to blocked or the entire originating domain. Click on (+) sign.
In “allow lists”, you can specify email address(s) or domain(s) for the emails you don’t want to be marked spam, explicitly.
In “international spam”, you can filter emails originating from specific country/region and in a specific language.
In “advanced options”, Advanced spam filtering (ASF) options give Administrators the ability to inspect various content attributes of a message. Click on save button after editing.
Wait for some time for the changes to be implemented.
Go back exchange admin center. It will display details/changes in the summary window.
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