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IVR Auto Attendant on VoIP System

VoIP Phone System Feature – Auto-Attendant/IVR

The IVR or Auto Attendant as we know it significantly reduces the work load on the front desk. In any business environment, where a large number of calls from clients or customers are received on a daily basis, an IVR system can help automate the process of attending to callers without requiring any manual supervision. The system thus helps a great deal in increasing the efficiency of an organization.

Auto Attendant is an automated feature present in all PBX systems nowadays. When a call comes in, the IVR clearly outlines the available options to the caller. The options could be, for example, press 1 to get in touch with the sales department, press 2 to speak to the support staff, enter customer ID to speak to the relationship manager and so on.

Depending on his requirement, the caller selects the best suited option and the call gets directed to the concerned department or is further processed by a series of options.

With IVR system in place, the calls are either dealt with by the automated system or get routed correctly to the intended recipient. The employees do not waste their time handling numerous queries; correct routing leads to higher success rate for resolutions.


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