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Compliance Language: Control Vs. Safeguard

Compliance Language: Control vs Safeguard

Hippa - Compliance Language - Control vs SafeguardIn terms of legal compliancecontrol refers to a measure or procedure that can be employed by a healthcare corporation to regulate risks that have been identified, guarantee the accomplishment of goals, and uphold adherence to relevant legislation, rules, and regulations. Controls are intended to stop, spot, or address risks or events that could result in noncompliance, monetary loss, or reputational harm. On the other hand, a safeguard is a particular kind of control that focuses on guarding against unauthorized access to confidential information or assets as well as their utilization, public disclosure, interruption, or devastation. The privacy, reliability, and accessibility of Information Technology systems and the personal information they maintain, analyze or send are all maintained by safeguards.

Five examples of controls:

  1. Risk assessment: A systematic process to identify, evaluate, and prioritize potential risks, threats, or vulnerabilities that could impact an organization’s objectives or compliance requirements.
  2. Access control: Techniques for controlling user access to sensitive data or resources based on the concept of the lowest possible access, guaranteeing that those using them have only the minimal permissions required to carry out their responsibilities.
  3. Incident response plan: A written strategy detailing the actions an organization should take in the event of a security incident, such as recognition, confinement, removal, and recovery.
  4. Security awareness training: Consistent training sessions to inform staff members of safety hazards, standards of conduct, and corporate policies, assisting in lowering the probability of human error or non-compliant behavior.
  5. Audit and monitoring: Regular review and analysis of system logs, access records, and other relevant data to detect and investigate potential security incidents or non-compliant activities.

Five examples of safeguards:

  1. Encryption: The use of cryptographic techniques to convert sensitive information into an unreadable format, protecting it from unauthorized access or disclosure during storage or transmission.
  2. Firewalls: Network security devices that monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules, helping to prevent unauthorized access to an organization’s information systems.
  3. Multi-factor authentication (MFA): MFA is a method of protecting access to highly classified data or assets that asks users to submit at least two distinct forms of authentication – a method to prove the fact they are aware of, something they have, or something that proves they are.
  4. Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS): Systems or tools that constantly monitor networks or systems for unlawful activity, policy violations, or additional security risks and take suitable action, as well as such as – notifying the concerned personnel responsible or proactively preventing the activity.
  5. Physical security measures: The use of obstacles, locks, cameras for surveillance, control systems for access, and other physical safeguards to guard against unauthorized access, theft, or damage to confidential data or assets.

Follow this link to know more details about Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).


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