From $100K Spent with No Results to a Promising New Future

A medical client reached out to DP Tech Group for an audit, which uncovered significant issues in a failed development project.


A new medical client approached DP Tech Group after a frustrating and costly experience with their previous development team. The client had spent over a year and $100,000 on a software project that yielded no tangible results. The application was poorly designed, didn’t follow software development best practices, and had no roadmap in place, making it impossible to scale or sell. The leadership team felt misled by the previous developers and was uncertain about how to proceed, facing a significant loss of time and money.


DP Tech Group stepped in and conducted a comprehensive audit of the project. After identifying major flaws in the development approach, they decided to rebuild the entire project from the ground up. DP Tech Group followed a transparent, best-practice-driven process, ensuring the client would be informed and involved every step of the way.  
Key aspects of the solution included:


DP Tech Group is transforming the failed development project into a scalable application, following a clear roadmap to ensure it meets the client’s future needs. The project is progressing with a focus on scalability and long-term growth. By maintaining transparency and engaging the client through regular updates, DP Tech Group is rebuilding trust and delivering a solution that aligns with the client’s goals.


One of DP Tech Group’s long-term clients faced significant inefficiencies in their monthly commission processing. The client’s new accountant reported that the month-end commission process, designed by a previous accountant, took over 20 hours and often stretched into days or weeks due to conflicting responsibilities. This manual process was prone to errors, leading to delays and dissatisfaction among the sales team, who often received late or inaccurate commission payments.
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